
Showing posts from March, 2013

javascript - Multiple groups with mongodb aggregate -

i'm trying use mongodb aggregate on data: "_id": objectid("598dbd301ab6476e5b15e05e"), "updated_at": isodate("2017-08-11t14:20:32.865z"), "created_at": isodate("2017-08-11t14:20:32.865z"), "action": objectid("59760749a398cb323cf1c051"), "subaction": objectid("5980c3807a8cb300110d87d3"), "person": objectid("598dbd2f1ab6476e5b15e05b"), "session": objectid("598dbd2f1ab6476e5b15e05c"), "dateaccomplish": isodate("2017-08-11t14:20:32z"), "createdby": objectid("595f8426645bf5f47366fb29"), "updatedby": objectid("595f8426645bf5f47366fb29"), what i'm trying need retrieve 2 groups. has grouped actions , subactions . the output data expected looks this: movactions: [ { _id: $created_at, count: ?, data:[ { _id: "$action", ...

mongodb - Need to launch mongod using launchctl -

i have installed mongodb using manual option. when fire mongod take parameters somewhere else specially dbpath . i want have own dbpath without specifying --dbpath each time. so found option provide mongod.conf file , call mongod --config option still need pass path of .conf file. my ultimate goal launch mongod service , read config file path configured. tried launchagent , launchdaemon no luck. thought if can configure launchagent or daemon provide path mongod of bin directory of mongodb folder , provide --config , path .conf file argument , need launch mongod using launchctl name mongod , start mongod --config <.conf file path> . but not able so. read 15-16 posts on launchagent , daemon did not solution problem. tried making mongod.plist file @ various places /library/launchdaemon , /library/launchagent , ~/library/launchdaemon error " path had bad ownership/permissions ". tried chown , chgrp no luck. i hope got point. need complete sol...

android getting Manifest merger failed error in nativescript -

failure: build failed exception. what went wrong: execution failed task ':processf0f1debugmanifest'. manifest merger failed : attribute value=(25.3.1) [] androidmanifest.xml:24:9-31 present @ [] androidmanifest.xml:27:9-38 value=(26.0.0-alpha1). suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:value"' element @ androidmanifest.xml:22:5-24:34 override. try: run --stacktrace option stack trace. run --info or --debug option more log output. build failed after adding code in app.gradle file issue resolved.. configurations.all { resolutionstrategy.eachdependency { dependencyresolvedetails details -> def requested = details.requested if ( == '') { if (!"multidex")) { details.useversion '2...

node.js - Serve Angular app with express if user is authenticated -

we're building app created users in our database. app should not accessible no 1 else. our thought serve simple html file, info app have. our backend app should nodejs , should check if user has cookie provided our authentication api , attached our domain. if user has cookie, should provide them app folder. we want protect our js files , files belonging app public if not authenticated. in simple html file, should have button says: "i'm authenticated, let me browse app". <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>landing page</title> </head> <body> <h1>landing page app!!!</h1> <input onclick="location.href='/app';" type="submit" value="i'm authenticated, let me browse app!"/> </body> </html> the node server has route called /app . const express = require('express'); const app = express(); co...

ruby - How to pass an image to data attributes in rails? -

i integrating template rails. every thing has been set have problem in slider. portion of slider causing problems. passing images assets data attributes 1: data-thumb & 2: data-lazyload says error 404 resource not found. static template html <li data-transition="zoomout" data-slotamount="7" data-easein="default" data-easeout="default" data-masterspeed="300" data-thumb="images/slider/bg4.jpg" data-rotate="0" data-saveperformance="off" data-title="slide" data-description="on"> <!-- main image --> <img src="images/dummy.png" alt="laptopmockup_sliderdy" data-lazyload="images/slider/bg1.jpg"> rails template <li data-transition="zoomout" data-slotamount="7" data- easein="default" data-easeout="default" data-masterspeed="300" data: {thumb: image_path("bg5.jpg")} d...

java - Why is a simple Hibernate findOne() by primary key taking so long? -

i'm splitting off an earlier question eliminate 'select before save' confusion. in example, i'm trying simple findone() primary key. against existing sqlserver db, latest versions of spring boot , spring data. i have logging set can see sql hibernate has generated. in example, according logging timing, query takes 4 seconds. querying primary key. when run sql hibernate generated in db tool dbvisualizer, returns in sub-second, expect. i increased hibernate packaging logging trace level, try see delay is, , found following, before , after 4 second delay: 2017-08-14 09:51:35.345 debug 7532 --- [nio-8085-exec-1] org.hibernate.sql : select customer0_.customer_id customer1_4_0_, customer0_.first_name first_na2_4_0_, customer0_.last_name last_nam3_4_0_ xbr_customer_tab customer0_ customer0_.customer_id=? hibernate: select customer0_.customer_id customer1_4_0_, customer0_.first_name first_na2_4_0_, customer0_.last_name last_nam3_4_0_ xbr_custom...

ios - Firebase, Swift: Send a push notification to specific user given device token -

i have firebase swift chat app i'd send push notification specific user. have captured , have access user's device token. all references mention having have 'web app' manage this, haven't managed find specific examples of this. is necessary have web app manage push notifications firebase? if so, there examples of how can work? thank you.

c# - Getting Dispatcher in Lockscreen (Assigned-access) mode in a timer callback -

i'm having trouble getting dispatcher using getcurrentview() method. stated on msdn should using coreapplication.getcurrentview() if app running in assigned access mode. however getcurrentview() causes exception when used in timer callback. anybody have suggestion how can work in assigned access mode? here's code comments does, , doesn't work. sealed partial class app : application { private timer timer; public app() { this.initializecomponent(); } protected override void onlaunched(launchactivatedeventargs e) { try { isassignedaccess = lockapplicationhost.getforcurrentview() != null; } catch { isassignedaccess = false; } // works fine ontimerasync(); // timer callback ontimerasync() doesn't work (see below) this.timer...

javascript - how to map many arrays values that have same construct to an object? -

how map nested array's values object template, has same construct? had tried ways, still can't goal, can me favor? original data, got backend! const test_array = [ { "name": "anymanagedfundsrow", "columnmeta": { "a0": "string", "a1": "string", "a2": "string", "a3": "date", "a4": "date", "a5": "double", "a6": "int" }, "rows": [ [ "华夏基金管理有限公司", "华夏大中华企业精选灵活配置混合(qdii)", "其他型基金", "2016-01-20", "", 21.877086009428236, 65135 ], [ "华夏基金管理有限公司...

python - How to manage real time input with periodic updates -

i have block @ position (0,0). periodically (say every 1 second) y-coordinate of block randomly updated +/-1. and every time user inputs character (+/-) x-coordinate updated +/-1 user has inputted. if x coord, create while loop, runs next iteration when input() gets value. but how can deal both periodic update real time input (which can come @ time?) threading friend: import time threading import thread # defines thread handles console input class userinputthread(thread): def __init__ (self): thread.__init__(self) # process user input here: def run(self): while true: text = input("input: ") print("you said", text) # exit thread if text == "exit": return console_thread = userinputthread() console_thread.start() while true: time.sleep(5) print("function") # if thread dead, programme exit when current iteration of while...

Qt/Qml Quick Control 2: SpinBox value without number format -

i want display numbers in qml quick controls 2 spinbox without number formatting: spinbox { inputmethodhints: qt.imhdigitsonly from: 1000 to: 10000 } i tried set different locales everytime number displayed "1.000" or "1,000" (correct "1000"). there way force unformatted output? you can override textfromvalue function: import qtquick 2.8 import qtquick.controls 2.1 applicationwindow { width: 400 height: 300 visible: true spinbox { inputmethodhints: qt.imhdigitsonly from: 1000 to: 10000 textfromvalue: function(value) { return value; } } }

parsing - Reading .eml files with Python 3.6 using emaildata 0.3.4 -

i using python 3.6.1 , want read in email files (.eml) processing. using emaildata 0.3.4 package, whenever try import text class in documentation, module errors: import email email.text import text >>> modulenotfounderror: no module named 'cstringio' when tried correct using this update , next error relating mimetools >>> modulenotfounderror: no module named 'mimetools' is possible use emaildata 0.3.4 python 3.6 parse .eml files? or there other packages can use parse .eml files? thanks using email package, can read in .eml files. then, use bytesparser library parse file. finally, use plain preference (for plain text) get_body() method, , get_content() method raw text of email. import email email import policy email.parser import bytesparser files = glob.glob('*.eml') # returns list of files open(files[2], 'rb') fp: msg = bytesparser(policy=policy.default).parse(fp) text = msg.get_body(preferencelist=(...

how to find a location of user without using map in android -

this question has answer here: how current gps location programmatically in android? 17 answers is possible latitude , longitude of user without using mapfragment. want build class method return current location. hope you... put manifest file <uses-permission-sdk-23 android:name="android.permission.access_coarse_location"/> <uses-permission-sdk-23 android:name="android.permission.access_fine_location"/> get run time permission api version 23 , above. then put code on java file private synchronized void buildgoogleapiclient() { log.i("tag", "building googleapiclient"); mgoogleapiclient = new googleapiclient.builder(getactivity().getapplicationcontext()) .addconnectioncallbacks(this) .addonconnectionfailedlistener(this) .addapi(locationservices.api) ...

javascript - Z-index in d3.js -

i have map , when hover effect on region of map below yellow line , circle, last ones disappear. how can solve problem? var arc = g.append("path") .style("fill", "none") .style("stroke", "yellow") .style("stroke-width", 2) .attr("d", "m" + pathorigin[0] + "," + pathorigin[1] + " q" + svgpoint[0] + "," + pathorigin[1] + " " + svgpoint[0] + "," + svgpoint[1]); var circlesize = d3.scale.linear() .domain([0, 0.5, 1]) .range([4, 10, 4]); svg not have z order draws objects in order created. need create path , circle after create highlight regions. here forked fiddle:

java - Zip reactive flow with itself -

i'm using java reactor core, , have reactive flux of objects. each object of flux need external query return 1 different object each input. newly generated flux needs zipped original 1 - items of 2 flux must synchronized , generated in same order. i'm re-using same flow twice, this: flux<myobj> atest = flux.fromiterable(alistofobj); flux<string> myobjlists = -> myrepository.findbyid( -> { if (!o.ispresent()) { system.out.println("fallback empty-object"); return ""; } list<string> l = o.get(); if (l.size() > 1) { system.out.println("that's bad"); } return l.get(0); });, myobjlists, (a, b) -> dosomethingwith(a,b)) is right way it? if myobjlists emits error, how prevent zip phase skip failing iteration? i've opted using tuple s , optional s (to prevent null-items break flux), don't need re-use initial flux : flux<tu...

Issues with hosting a wcf service on aws -

i have created wcf service locally hosted on iis. the directory of service looks this: image whenever publish aws via aws toolkit visual studio service times out , barely functions.... the aws hosted service directory looks this: image can this? thanks anyway.

The difference between an Amazon S3 Get Request and an S3 Data retrieval -

a theoretical question amazon s3. there difference in pricing s3-ia request: $.001 / 10k , s3 data retrieval cost: $.01. my question is, difference between request , data retrieval? in reference amazon s3 pricing page : a get request act of requesting file retrieval data retrieval charged per gb , based on size of data being retrieved in general, if access once per month or less often, standard-infrequent access lower cost.

google cloud platform - The project has not enabled BigQuery -

i'm running gcp , having issues when attempting query bigquery via api. i've entered project, table, correctly. here api call: get {your_api_key} here error: "code": 400, "message": "the project test-project has not enabled bigquery." i went test-project, , have ensured i've enabled bigquery running queries console.

PHP DateTime Difference (Hours, Days, Weeks, Months) -

i creating php function return difference between 2 dates in format: 2 months, 3 weeks, 6 days, 3 hours . have tried use php datetime class, returns months, days , hours , can not find way calculate weeks . this function: public function datetimedifference($fromdate, $todate) { $fromdate = new datetime($fromdate); $todate = new datetime($todate); $interval = $fromdate->diff($todate); $difference["hours"] = $interval->h; $difference["days"] = $interval->d; $difference["months"] = $interval->m; return $difference; } now, need $difference["weeks"] included in return data. edit: know can divide days 7 , weeks, not result right. example: 2 months, 14 days, 3 hours - when divide 14 days 7 this: 2 months, 2 weeks, 14 days, 3 hours , not same period. public function datetimedifference($fromdate, $todate) { $fromdate = new datetime($fromdate); $todate = new datetime($todate); $interval = $fromd...

javascript - Two Modals checkbox stay the same -

hi there having problem modals have 2 modals, , when select checkboxes of second modal , go first modal change , take same checks second. want not change checks. <button type="button" class="btn btn-block btn-primary btn-md" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#mymodal" data-whatever="0"> <i class="fa fa-plus-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> &nbsp&nbsp drop down <span class="caret"></span> </button> <!-- modal --> <div class="modal fade" id="mymodal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="mymodallabel"> <div class="modal-dialog" role="document"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> ...

linux - Error to install packpage in R -

when try install package in r, error below: > install.packages("openxlsx") installing package ‘/home/rstudio/r/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.4’ (as ‘lib’ unspecified) trying url ' ' content type 'application/x-gzip' length 1589300 bytes (1.5 mb) ================================================== downloaded 1.5 mb installing source package ‘openxlsx’ ... ** package ‘openxlsx’ unpacked , md5 sums checked ** libs g++ -m64 -i/usr/include/r -dndebug -i"/usr/lib64/r/library/rcpp/include" -i/usr/local/include -fpic -o2 -g -pipe -wall -wp,-d_fortify_source=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=generic -c rcppexports.cpp -o rcppexports.o rcppexports.cpp:4:18: error: rcpp.h: no such file or directory rcppexports.cpp:6: error: ‘rcpp’ not namespace-name rcppexports.cpp:6: error: expected namespace-name before ‘;’ token rcppexpo...

Update PHP Variable after Ajax call -

i making ajax call php file checks condition , runs query mysql query if conditions met. the query updates table in db new value. works great. know how show new value in current page without having manually reload. code below. the variable updating $trialexpiry html/php <h4 class="sbtext mt-10">trial end date: <?php echo date("d/m/y", strtotime($trialexpiry)); ?></h4> <form id='promocode'> <input type='text' class='sbinput' placeholder='promo code' name='promocode'> <input type='hidden' name='userid' value='<?php echo $userid; ?>'> <button class='btn sbsubmit'>submit</button> </form> jquery <script> $(function () { $('#promocode').on('submit', function (e) { e.preventdefault(); $.ajax({ ...

Performance features in Elasticsearch 5 that are not available in Solr 6 -

i picking 1 of 2 search engines above project, , far both of them have shown similar in functionalities. at least requirements have: proximity search boolean queries query on fields boolean queries retrieval of original indexed document real time search requirements, index document, should available besides should have around 1 single type of document, in 40 million documents - 2 tb of data that's need, questions be: does 1 search engine perform better other considering dataset? such offering better indexing rates or search rates? am loosing going solr(considering requirements)? solr choice @ moment. some thoughts: nobody can tell 1 perform best unless benchmark in realistic conditions for %99 of users, of 2 work perfectly if want go 1 of them (for reason: it, devs want try it, logo, whatever), then, don't sweat it, both capable.

reactjs - react router v4 redirecting to another page outside of component -

i have basic texting app want make , following tutorial on react , meteor problem tutorial using react-router v3 , want used react-router v4. how make equivalent of doing like: browserhistory.replace("/chat"); i doing outside of component cannot do: this.props.history.push("/chat"); i trying run function every time entering page, checks if user authenticated or not , page on. here code far: main.js import react "react"; import reactdom "react-dom"; import {meteor} "meteor/meteor"; import {tracker} "meteor/tracker"; import { browserrouter, route, switch, redirect, withrouter} 'react-router-dom' import {texts} "./../imports/api/text"; import app "./../imports/ui/app"; import name "./../imports/ui/name"; import notfound "./../imports/ui/notfound"; import signup "./../imports/ui/signup"; import login "./../imports/ui/login"; meteor.startup(() =...

visual studio code - TextMate Grammar -- precedence of rules -

i'm trying modify syntax highlighting csharp language, syntax highlighting sql in c# string. textmate has support embeded languages, seems possible. i build on csharp.tmlanguage.json , able enable embeded sql special comment before string like string query = /*sql*/ $@"select ..." thanks textmate's language grammars , introduction scopes came json rule "repository": { "embeded-sql": { "contentname": "source.sql", "begin": "/\\*\\s*sql\\s*\\*/\\s*\\$?@?\"", "end": "\";", "patterns": [ { "include": "source.sql" } ] }, ... } and vscode's themes, snippets , colorizers , running , debugging extension able test, rule works. but have 1 problem, i'm unable solve. my grammar rule works if signifficant portion of csharp rules d...

msal - Azure AD B2C: Setting the Access/ID token renewal rate to 5 minutes causes the application to continually refresh -

azure ad b2c: setting access/id token renewal rate 5-9 minutes in azure ad b2c policies under token lifetimes in "token, session, & sso config" causes our application continually refresh. we're using msal.js library. causes this? setting 10 minutes works expected.

oop - When should we prefer hard coupling over loose coupling? -

with hype loose coupling (with reason) , information ive read easy obsessed, point of becoming religious it. ive been wondering, when hard coupling favorible on loose coupling? when object candidate hard coupling? think depending on situation reduce complexity. some examples appreciated. advantages of hard/tight coupling there few scenarios when tight coupling might leave better off. typically has speed of development , complexity of program. very small projects/proof of concepts in short term, loose coupling increases development time. theoretically, every service/client pair there need interface created well. hard coupling wouldn't worry dependencies. experience, many projects in school small enough tightly coupled classes okay. in cases when turn in assignment , never have touch again. keeping things simple often loosely coupled systems contain more components, adds more complexity program. bigger programs, complexity worth because expanding/modifying pr...

python - Trying to understand how pandas merge works, right join specifically -

i ran confusing result larger dataframe, have made toy 1 captures of what's confusing me: import pandas pd big_index = [123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130] big_dat = {'year': pd.series([2000, 2000, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2002, 2002, 2004], index=big_index), 'other': pd.series(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'], index=big_index)} big_df = pd.dataframe(big_dat) year_index = [2003, 2000, 2001, 2002] year_dat = {'a': pd.series([1, 2, 3, 4], index=year_index), 'b': pd.series([5, 6, 7, 8], index=year_index)} year_df = pd.dataframe(year_dat) left, , inner merge work i'd expect, right , outer produce odd results: merged_right = pd.merge( big_df, year_df, how='right', left_on='year', right_index=true ) merged_right other year b 123 2000 2 6 124 b 2000 2 6 125 c 2000 2 6 126 d 2001 3 7 127 ...

json - Can't set headers after they are sent. Nodejs/express with axios -

i have seen error , more wanting know how work around it. need able output data json object. there anyway work around this. i copying , pasting tutorial , not sure why im getting here except deep request calls maybe? here error: error: can't set headers after sent. [0] @ serverresponse.outgoingmessage.setheader (_http_outgoing.js:344:11) [0] @ serverresponse.header (c:\users\amazo\thrifa\moovr\node_modules\keystone\node_modules\express\lib\response.js:730:10) [0] @ serverresponse.send (c:\users\amazo\thrifa\moovr\node_modules\keystone\node_modules\express\lib\response.js:170:12) [0] @ serverresponse.json (c:\users\amazo\thrifa\moovr\node_modules\keystone\node_modules\express\lib\response.js:256:15) [0] @ c:/users/amazo/thrifa/moovr/src/server/api/routes/offers.js:28:21 [0] @ promise.<anonymous> (c:/users/amazo/thrifa/moovr/src/server/api/controllers/store/offercontroller.js:25:7) [0] @ promise.<anonymous> (c:\users\amazo\thrifa\moov...

javascript - do events registered with angular.element get removed by $destroy? -

i've read angular listeners ( $scope.$on ) automatically removed $destroy. , i've read outside event handlers jquery ( $(document).on ) need manually removed. does know angular.element falls paradigm? a team member wrote angular.element(document).on('event', () => ); . need manually remove event in $ondestroy ? angular.element (jqlite) is tiny, api-compatible subset of jquery allows angularjs manipulate dom in cross-browser compatible way. jqlite implements commonly needed functionality goal of having small footprint. directive link functions use attach event listeners elements other directive's own element need unregister listeners when directives element destroyed. function postlink(scope, elem, attrs) { $document.on('event', documenteventhandler); scope.$on("$destroy", function() { $'event', documenteventhandler); }); function documenteventhandler(event) { console...

language agnostic - Is there any (opposite of newline) char? -

was wondering if print right left, bottom top... got thought when trying write program print following square (for input 'n', here n=4 ) 1 2 3 4 12 13 14 5 11 16 15 6 10 9 8 7 this solved many ways, storing 2d array , printing array... (any language: perl, c, c++, java). the long answer can whatever terminal supports. there many kinds of terminals (or “character output devices”), many of them support cursor motions. (you can see termcap library project create picture different terminal types do.) there terminal command moving line, esentially yes, should able that. after poking in termcap database , came following: $ printf "\n"; printf '\e[a'; echo foo foo in other words, \e[a string has non-zero chance 1 line up. on terminals :)

java - Exclude Classes from Being Included in Shaded Jar -

i'm trying exclude classes being included in shaded jar. i have tried several different configurations reason jars still being included in jar. here plugin setup: <plugin> <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid> <artifactid>maven-shade-plugin</artifactid> <version>2.4.2</version> <executions> <execution> <phase>package</phase> <goals> <goal>shade</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> <configuration> <filters> <filter> <artifact>*:*</artifact> <excludes> <exclude>meta-inf/*.sf</exclude> <exclude>meta-inf/*.dsa</exclude> <exclude>meta-inf/*.rsa</exclude> <exclude>java/*...

amazon rds - RDS instance script -

can me how should bash script check if rds instance running, , if are, stop them, like. , if not running, script should exit message: no instances running. i have used aws cli start , stop instances, not sure how collaborate them in 1 single script. aws rds stop-db-instance --db-instance-identifier mydbinstance

outlook - VBA "SendUsingAccount" for Meeting Request with Office365 Accounts -

i trying manage outlook calendar meetings through access 2016 db. schedulers in our office have own office 365 account in outlook default account second account called server@ use when scheduling field techs appointments. way field tech's meetings on server@ calendar , can separated schedulers calendar. have scoured web , tried every example code snippet copy, can't find way change "from" when sending meeting. have tried sendusingaccount no luck. uses office 365 email account signed in word sender (not sure technical term account). can change default account in outlook doesn't matter. ideas helpful. function createcalendarentry(entrytype, calendar, startdate, starttime, apptduration, address, techin, notes, optional assistantin, optional resourcein) ' find server@ email account number in outlook dim serveraccountnumber integer serveraccountnumber = findserveremail if debugmode = true msgbox "account number:" & serveraccoun...

Odk Aggregate v1.4.15 ubuntu 14.04 -

i have following error trying run odkaggregate in - ubuntu 14.04 server 32bit - tomcat 7 on port 8080 - open-jdk-7 - java version "1.7.0_101" - mysql 5.5 - odk aggregate v1.4.15 i think permission of database, crated user permissions granted , checked console. ago 14, 2017 5:22:18 pm informaciÓn: sqlerrorcodes loaded: [db2, derby, h2, hsql, informix, ms-sql, mysql, oracle, postgresql, sybase, hana] ago 14, 2017 5:22:18 pm org.opendatakit.common.persistence.engine.mysql.datastoreimpl assertrelation informaciÓn: attempting: create table odk_prod._granted_authority_hierarchy ( _uri varchar(80) character set utf8 not null , _creator_uri_user varchar(80) character set utf8 not null , _creation_date datetime(6) not null , _last_update_uri_user varchar(80) character set utf8 null , _last_update_date datetime(6) not null , dominating_granted_authority varchar(80) character set utf8 not null , subo...