android - How to manage multiple opens of dialog with TabHost -

i have strange problem. in map i'm creating dialog contains tabhost 2 tabs , buttons. in first run works fine. see 2 tabs, can switch between them , select option want. dialog closed. after invoke dialog second time don't see tabs , see button second tab inactive. whole tabhost broken. ideas ? below code

    final dialog dialog = new dialog(context);     dialog.setcontentview(r.layout.tower_dialog);     dialog.settitle("tower type");     towerutils.getinstance(map, dialog).setupbuilddialog(position);;           host = (tabhost) dialog.findviewbyid(;         host.setup();          //tab 1         tabhost.tabspec spec = host.newtabspec("tab one");         spec.setcontent(;         spec.setindicator("tab one");         host.addtab(spec);          //tab 2         spec = host.newtabspec("tab two");         spec.setcontent(;         spec.setindicator("tab two");         host.addtab(spec);          setupbuttons(selectedposition); 


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