Trying to fetch all rows filtered by id and returning them as array(mysql,php) -
i'm sending username database filter rows of data associated using ajax i'm getting empty response back.
$.ajax({ type: 'post', url: 'fetch_followed_users.php', data: { user : username, }, datatype: 'json', cache: false, success: function(follows) { var jarrayallfollows=[]; jarrayallfollows = follows; }, });
and fetch_followed_users.php:
<?php session_start(); require 'database.php'; $sql6 = $conn->prepare("select * followedusers user = :user"); $sql6->bindparam(':user', $_post['user']); $sql6->execute(); $results=array(); $results = $sql6->fetchall(pdo::fetch_column) echo json_encode($results); ?>
i'd appreciate help. know simple thing do, can't right.
just make simpler, count in php , send response.
basic idea:
in php value , send count:
<?php session_start(); require 'database.php'; $sql6 = $conn->prepare("select count(*) total followedusers user = :user"); $sql6->bindparam(':user', $_post['user']); $sql6->execute(); $count = $sql6->fetchcolumn(); echo json_encode(array('count' => $count)); ?>
then in js success block, access response:
success: function(response) { console.log(response.count); // count },
note: don't mix mysqli pdo, pick 1 , use through out code.
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