In android the first fragment is not working properly -
i have 2 fragments, first fragment calling methods app starts , second fragment's visibility off when user focusing on second fragment methods of second fragment getting called. if user comes first fragment , there change in data in first fragment, methods first fragment not called , hence change not reflected. how solve problem?
the 2 fragments code are:`
public class tab1fragment extends fragment { private static final string tag = "tab1fragment"; context c; string user_name,password; materialsearchview materialsearchview; string url = null; recyclerview rv1; tablelayout tablayout; @nullable @override public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, @nullable viewgroup container, @nullable bundle savedinstancestate) { view view = inflater.inflate(r.layout.tab1_fragment,container,false); tablayout=(tablelayout) view.findviewbyid(; final tablelayout tablayout1=(tablelayout)view.findviewbyid(; final tablelayout tablayout2=(tablelayout)view.findviewbyid(; materialsearchview = (materialsearchview)getactivity().findviewbyid(; sharedpreferences sharedpreferences=this.getactivity().getsharedpreferences("postman", context.mode_private); user_name=sharedpreferences.getstring("username","nothing"); password=sharedpreferences.getstring("password","nothing"); rv1 = (recyclerview) view.findviewbyid(; rv1.setlayoutmanager(new linearlayoutmanager(c)); rv1.setitemanimator(new defaultitemanimator()); download2 d2 = new download2(getactivity(),url,rv1,user_name,password,tablayout,materialsearchview); d2.execute(); return view; } }
the other fragment code :
public class tab3fragment extends fragment { private static final string tag = "tab3fragment"; string user_name,password; context c; materialsearchview materialsearchview3; recyclerview rv, rv1; tablelayout tablayout1 , tablayout; @nullable @override public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, @nullable viewgroup container, @nullable bundle savedinstancestate) { setuservisiblehint(false); view view = inflater.inflate(r.layout.tab3_fragment,container,false); tablayout1=(tablelayout)view.findviewbyid(; materialsearchview3 = (materialsearchview)getactivity().findviewbyid(; sharedpreferences sharedpreferences=this.getactivity().getsharedpreferences("postman", context.mode_private); user_name=sharedpreferences.getstring("username","nothing"); password=sharedpreferences.getstring("password","nothing"); rv = (recyclerview) view.findviewbyid(; rv.setlayoutmanager(new linearlayoutmanager(c)); rv.setitemanimator(new defaultitemanimator()); return view; } @override public void setmenuvisibility(boolean menuvisible) { super.setmenuvisibility(menuvisible); if(menuvisible) { download3 d3 = new download3(getactivity(),url,rv,user_name,password,tablayout1, materialsearchview3); d3.execute(); } } } public class download2 extends asynctask<void,integer,string> { context c; recyclerview rv; progressdialog pd; string user_name,password; materialsearchview materialsearchview; public download2(context c, string url, recyclerview rv, string user_name, string password, tablelayout tablayout, materialsearchview materialsearchview) { this.c=c; this.rv=rv; this.user_name=user_name; this.password=password; this.materialsearchview=materialsearchview; } @override protected string doinbackground(void... params) { string data=this.downloaddata(); return data; } @override protected void onpostexecute(final string data) { super.onpostexecute(data); if(data!=null) { materialsearchview.setonsearchviewlistener(new materialsearchview.searchviewlistener() { @override public void onsearchviewshown() { } @override public void onsearchviewclosed() { parser p=new parser(c,data,rv); p.execute(); } }); materialsearchview.setonquerytextlistener(new materialsearchview.onquerytextlistener() { @override public boolean onquerytextsubmit(string query) { return false; } @override public boolean onquerytextchange(string newtext) { toast.maketext(c, "in down2 "+newtext, toast.length_long).show(); if(newtext!=null && !newtext.isempty()) { parserfilter pf = new parserfilter(c,data,rv,newtext); pf.execute(); } else { parser p=new parser(c,data,rv); p.execute(); } return true; } }); } else { toast.maketext(c, "unable download", toast.length_short).show(); } parser p=new parser(c,data,rv); p.execute(); } private string downloaddata() { inputstream is=null; string line=null; try{ ngroklinks lnk=new ngroklinks(); url url2 = new url(lnk.players()); httpurlconnection httpurlconnection = (httpurlconnection) url2.openconnection(); httpurlconnection.setrequestmethod("post"); httpurlconnection.setdooutput(true); httpurlconnection.setdoinput(true); outputstream outputstream = httpurlconnection.getoutputstream(); bufferedwriter bufferedwriter = new bufferedwriter(new outputstreamwriter(outputstream, "utf-8")); string post_data = urlencoder.encode("user_name", "utf-8") + "=" + urlencoder.encode(user_name, "utf-8") + "&" + urlencoder.encode("password", "utf-8") + "=" + urlencoder.encode(password, "utf-8"); bufferedwriter.write(post_data); bufferedwriter.flush(); bufferedwriter.close(); outputstream.close(); inputstream inputstream = httpurlconnection.getinputstream(); bufferedreader bufferedreader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(inputstream,"iso-8859-1")); string result=""; string line1=""; while((line1 = bufferedreader.readline())!= null) { result += line1; } bufferedreader.close(); inputstream.close(); httpurlconnection.disconnect(); return result; } catch (malformedurlexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } { if(is!=null) { try { is.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } } return null; } } public class fragmentcontrol extends fragmentpageradapter{ public fragmentcontrol(fragmentmanager fm) { super(fm); } @override public fragment getitem(int position) { switch(position) { case 0: tab1fragment tablfragment = new tab1fragment(); return tablfragment; case 1: tab3fragment tab3fragment = new tab3fragment(); return tab3fragment; /*case 2: tab3fragment tab3fragment = new tab3fragment(); return tab3fragment;*/ default: return null; } } @override public int getcount() { return 2; } @override public charsequence getpagetitle(int position) { switch(position) { case 0 : return "delivering"; case 1 : return "postponed"; /* case 2 : return "postponed";*/ } return null; } }
you should post code, can find wrong.
in other hand, should check tutorial :
i suggest check code , find differ yours.
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