reactjs - react-native-elements: Header rendering unexpected bottom border -

i'm experiencing weird issue header component react-native-elements. here's i'm seeing: enter image description here

and here's code:

<header     leftcomponent={{ icon: 'menu', color: '#85106a',  }}     rightcomponent={<avatar         small         rounded         source={{uri: ""}}         onpress={() => console.log("works!")}         activeopacity={0.7}     />}     statusbarprops={{ barstyle: 'dark-content', translucent: true }} /> 

i want border on bottom same colour hamburger menu. looked through documentation of component, didn't find of essence.

any ideas appreciated. thank you

i have try project, need add props outercontainerstyles on header component , change style :

<header   leftcomponent={{ icon: 'menu', color: '#85106a',  }}   rightcomponent={<avatar                 small                 rounded                 source={{uri: ""}}                 onpress={() => console.log("works!")}                 activeopacity={0.7}             />}   statusbarprops={{ barstyle: 'dark-content', translucent: true }}   outercontainerstyles={{ borderbottomcolor:'#85106a',borderbottomwidth:1 }} /> 

and result :

enter image description here

i hope answer can you


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