java - Redirect to google maps language -

i have code snippet redirects user google maps current position , coordinates end location.

creating redirect button

directions.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {                 @override                 public void onclick(view v) {                     string message = getapplicationcontext().getstring(r.string.directions_info);                     new alertdialog.builder(detailsactivity.this)                             .settitle(getapplicationcontext().getstring(r.string.open_google))                             .setmessage(string.format(message, cityobject.getname()+"?"))                             .seticon(r.drawable.ic_google_maps)                             .setnegativebutton(android.r.string.cancel, null) // dismisses default                             .setpositivebutton(android.r.string.ok, new dialoginterface.onclicklistener() {                                 @override public void onclick(dialoginterface dialog, int which) {                                     //string test = ",%f(%s)&travelmode=walking";                                     string test = getstring(r.string.directions_url);                                     coordinates end = cityobject.getcoordinates();                                      string name = cityobject.getname().replace(' ', '+');                                     string urlstring = string.format(test, end.getlatitude(), end.getlongitude(), name);                                      intent intent = new intent(intent.action_view, uri.parse(urlstring));                                     startactivity(intent);                                 }                             })                             .create()                             .show();                 }             }); 

directions string:

<string formatted="false" name="directions_url">;daddr=%f,%f(%s)&amp;travelmode=walking</string> 

the thing is, works when have app set on english, when change locale swedish, google maps says can't find "my location". have exact same string english , swedish don't understand problem is.

maybe has google , formatting of string depending on language?


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