javascript - How to normally bind forms in angular -

i have template form, wrote guides , don't work though. have several of models:

export class user {   constructor(public userid?: userid,               public firstname?: string,               public lastname?: string,               public address?: address) {   } }  export class address {   constructor(     public street?: string,     public city?: string,     public zipcode?: string) {   } } 

i have component:

component({   templateurl: 'user.html' }) export class mycomponent implements oninit, ondestroy{   user: user;   userform: ngform;   ngoninit(): void {   } 

and page itself:

<form novalidate #userform="ngform">       <div class="form-group">          <input required minlength="4" type="text"                id="firstname"                [(ngmodel)]="user.firstname" name="firstname">         <small *ngif="!firstname.valid">not valid!</small>     </div>     <div class="form-group">         <input required ng-minlength="4" type="text"                id="lastname"                [(ngmodel)]="user.lastname" name="lastname">     </div>      <div ngmodelgroup="user.address">         <div class="form-group">             <input required ng-minlength="4"                    type="text"                    id="address-house"                    [(ngmodel)]="user.address.address1" name="address.address1">         </div>          <div class="form-group">             <div class="form-group">                 <input required ng-minlength="4"                        type="text"                        id="zipcode"                        [(ngmodel)]="user.address.zipcode" name="address.zipcode">             </div>             <div>                 <input required ng-minlength="4"                        type="text"                        lass="form-control input-lg"                        id="city"                        [(ngmodel)]="" name="">             </div>         </div>      </div>     <button type="button" (click)="checkandproceed()">continue</button>     </div> </form> 

the thing want add validation - that's all. none of guides helped. can in-html validation or ts validation? nice call validation when clicking 'continue' button , making valid if so.

in case of validation additionally console error: cannot read property 'valid' of undefined

there lots of attributes on input elements. have name, id, , template reference variable. code missing template reference variable. template reference variable holds onto reference element , has valid, dirty, , other flags associated it.

for example, change code include template reference variable this:

<div class="form-group">     <input required minlength="4" type="text"            id="firstname"            [(ngmodel)]="user.firstname" name="firstname"            #firstnamevar="ngmodel">     <small *ngif="!firstnamevar.valid">not valid!</small> </div> 

notice #firstnamevar. template reference variable. can named same thing id , name attributes. named different readily distinguished between other 2 attributes.

notice *ngif changed use firstnamevar.valid

for more information on template reference variables, see this:


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