A programming language with garbage collection AND manual memory management -

are there programming languages out there use garbage collection, allow manual memory management? example, providing destructor function. possible programming language have garbage collection , manual memory management concurrently?

related question here, no answer: interpreted languages manual memory management?


it's possible, requires language support allocation of objects (assuming it's oo language, makes life easier) 2 (or more) areas of memory.

an example of platform supports real time specification java (rtsj). since real-time operation can disturbed non-deterministic gc rtsj adds areas of memory outside of standard java heap can used application code. rtsj uses concept of memory area, of there three: heapmemory, scopedmemory , immortalmemory. scopedmemory allows region of memory used specific thread. when thread terminates area of memory automatically freed. relies on developer being careful not share references area outside thread. immortalmemory region of memory never garbage collected. once objects allocated in region not possible reclaim space (there no free() call).

i disagree comment c , c++ languages match description. neither runs in managed environment neither has form of concurrent gc.


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