mongodb - How to delete the document based on ObjectId (_id) -

how write mongodb shell query return documents objects created after specific date?

collections like:

{ "_id" : objectid("59918c9014450171039b7e1f"), "cont_id" : "59918c9014450171039b7e1d", "systemdate" : isodate("2017-07-25t00:09:00.567z"), }  db.itemtable.count({"systemdate" : { $gte: isodate("2017-07-25t00:00:00.000z")}}) 

returns - 15210

db.itemtable.count({'_id': {'$gt' : objectid("59918c9014450171039b7e1f")}}) 

returns - 987652

thanks! bharathi

db.itemtable.find({"systemdate" : { $gte: isodate("2017-07-25t00:00:00.000z")}}).count() returns count of documents.

if want cursor documents, use find db.itemtable.find({"systemdate" : { $gte: isodate("2017-07-25t00:00:00.000z")}})


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