javascript - Why canvas enlarge image size? -
i want compress image user upload on front side.
source image 651kb(mac os), , after change size form (1920 * 1080) (1000 * 562), size of picture becomes 1.2mb(browser), 1.4mb(mac os), 1.29mb(windows 7). whatever, increase size of original image.
source image:
<input type="file" multiple accept="image/*"> <canvas></canvas> const $ = document.queryselector.bind(document) const input = $('input') const canvas = $('canvas') const ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d') const readablesize = (size) => { return size / 1024 > 1024 ? (~~(10 * size / 1024 / 1024)) / 10 + 'mb' : ~~(size / 1024) + 'kb' } input.onchange = function (e) { const files =; [], file => { const img = new image() img.src = url.createobjecturl(file) img.onload = function () { let radio = 1 if (math.min(this.height, this.width) > 1000) { radio = math.max(this.height / 1000, this.width / 1000) } canvas.height = this.height / radio canvas.width = this.width / radio ctx.fillrect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.drawimage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) canvas.toblob(function (b) { console.log(readablesize(b.size)) }) url.revokeobjecturl(this.src) } }) }
the method toblob()
no mime-type argument image type produce png file default lossless format , therefore typically larger source image of type jpeg.
change line:
canvas.toblob(function (b) { console.log(readablesize(b.size)) })
to take image mime argument making use jpeg quality setting:
canvas.toblob(function(b) { console.log(readablesize(b.size)) }, "image/jpeg", 0.7);
experiment quality argument ([0.0, 1.0]) suit needs.
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