mvc - angular-file-upload drag and drop not working in angularjs /mvc application -

i trying implement angular-file-upload in angularjs/mvc i using

this javascript component code

(function () {      app.component('fileuploadercomponent', fileuploadercomponent());      function fileuploadercomponent() {          fileuploadercontroller.$inject = ['$scope', 'constants', 'fileuploader', 'documentsservice', '$stateparams', '$state'];            //controller          function fileuploadercontroller($scope, constants, fileuploader, documentsservice, $stateparams, $state) {              var ctrl = this;              ctrl.$oninit = function () {                  ctrl.title = [];                  ctrl.uploader = null;         = {                      documentsservice: documentsservice,                      constants: constants,                      $scope: $scope,                      $state: $state,                      $stateparams: $stateparams,                      fileuploader: fileuploader                  }                  ctrl.load();              }          };            fileuploadercontroller.prototype.load = function () {              var ctrl = this;              var baseurl =;                ctrl.uploader = new{                  url: baseurl,                  method: "post",              });          }          return {              templateurl: '/app/components/widgets/fileuploader/fileuploader.component.html',              bindings: {},              controller: fileuploadercontroller          }      }  })();

and cshtml mark up

<!doctype html>  <html>    <head>      <title>simple example</title>      <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />  </head>    <body nv-file-drop="" uploader="$ctrl.uploader">      <div class="container">          <div class="row">              <div class="col-md-3">                  <h3>select files</h3>                  <div ng-show="$ctrl.uploader.ishtml5">                      <div class="well my-drop-zone" nv-file-over="" uploader="$ctrl.uploader">                          base drop zone                      </div>                        <div nv-file-drop="" uploader="$ctrl.uploader" >                          <div nv-file-over="" uploader="$ctrl.uploader" over-class="another-file-over-class" class="well my-drop-zone">                              drop zone own settings                          </div>                      </div>                  </div>                  multiple                  <input type="file" nv-file-select="" uploader="$ctrl.uploader" multiple accept="application/pdf" /><br />              </div>              <div class="col-md-9" style="margin-bottom: 40px">                  <h3>upload queue</h3>                  <p>queue length: {{ $ctrl.uploader.queue.length }}</p>                  <table class="table">                      <thead>                          <tr>                              <th width="50%">name</th>                              <th ng-show="$ctrl.uploader.ishtml5">size</th>                              <th ng-show="$ctrl.uploader.ishtml5">progress</th>                              <th>title</th>                              <th>status</th>                              <th>actions</th>                          </tr>                      </thead>                      <tbody>                          <tr ng-repeat="item in $ctrl.uploader.queue">                              <td><strong>{{ }}</strong></td>                              <td ng-show="$ctrl.uploader.ishtml5" nowrap>{{ item.file.size/1024/1024|number:2 }} mb</td>                              <td ng-show="$ctrl.uploader.ishtml5">                                  <div class="progress" style="margin-bottom: 0;">                                      <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" ng-style="{ 'width': item.progress + '%' }"></div>                                  </div>                              </td>                              <td>                                  <input type="text" required ng-model="$ctrl.title[$index]" />                              </td>                              <td class="text-center">                                  <span ng-show="item.issuccess">success</span>                                  <span ng-show="item.iscancel">cancelled</span>                                  <span ng-show="item.iserror">error</span>                                  <span ng-show="item.isadd">added</span>                                  <span ng-show="item.isupdate">updated</span>                              </td>                              <td nowrap>                                  <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-xs" ng-click="item.upload()" ng-disabled="item.isready || item.isuploading || item.issuccess">                                      <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-upload"></span> upload                                  </button>                                                                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" ng-click="item.remove()">                                      <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> remove                                  </button>                              </td>                          </tr>                      </tbody>                  </table>                  <div>                      <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-s" ng-click="$ctrl.uploader.uploadall()" ng-disabled="!$ctrl.uploader.getnotuploadeditems().length">                          <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-upload"></span> upload                      </button>                                          <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-s" ng-click="$ctrl.uploader.clearqueue()" ng-disabled="!$ctrl.uploader.queue.length">                          <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> remove                      </button>                  </div>              </div>          </div>      </div>  </body>  </html>

my angular script referencen in mvc

@html.bundledscripts(new[] {      "angular-1.5.8/angular.js",      "angular-1.5.8/angular-resource.js",      "angular-1.5.8/angular-sanitize.js",      "angular-1.5.8/angular-animate.js",      "angular-1.5.8/angular-messages.js",      "angular-idle-1.0.2/angular-idle.js",      "ui-router-0.2.15/angular-ui-router.js",      "angular-strap-2.3.10/angular-strap.js",      "angular-strap-2.3.10/angular-strap.tpl.js",      "ng-csv-0.3.1/ng-csv.js",      "analytics/agentportalanalytics.js",      "angular-file-upload/dist/angular-file-upload.js"  })

this uploader component this component

the multiple file select working without issue when try drag , drop files drop zone not working , not seeing errors in console

i seeing below black invalid symbol when try drag , drop files on drop zone can please make drag , drop working

i think issue occurring in mvc(cshtml) when test in plain html drag , drop working fine, can please tell me how can make work in mvc

enter image description here


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