c# - Safely combine two ILists, accounting for nulls -
i want combine 2 ilist
's one, either of which, or both, null
. if both null
want result null
i have want more elegant still easy read.
private ilist<filter> combinefilters(ilist<filter> first, ilist<filter> second) { ilist<filter> result = null; if(first != null) if (second != null) result = first.concat(second) ilist<filter>; else result = first; else if (second != null) result = second; return result; }
i think it’s bit of weird behavior if call combinefilters
2 lists (one possibly null) , list not copy. result in following behavior:
list<filter> filters1 = new list<filter>() { new filter() }; list<filter> filters2 = null; console.writeline(filters1.count); // 1 var filters = combinefilters(filters1, filters2); filters.add(new filter()); console.writeline(filters.count); // 2 console.writeline(filters1.count); // 2
i’m not sure if expect behavior.
so suggest ensure there new list in end. allows make short:
private ilist<filter> combinefilters(ilist<filter> first, ilist<filter> second) { return (first ?? array.empty<filter>()).concat(second ?? array.empty<filter>()).tolist(); }
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