Phonegap Web App iOS scrolling is laggy/choppy in iframe -
edit: added wkwebview cordova plugin referenced here:
this has helped scrolling lot! though still not perfect.
edit: learned scrolling 2 fingers works fine. need find way make scrolling 1 finger same scrolling two.
i'm aware there have been several questions, , solutions questions ios laggy scrolling. have tried everything, , none of seems work.
i using phonegap/cordova framework7. application iframe pointed @ website (url) toolbar @ bottom navigate/use native features. however, scrolling in iframe terrible.
prior using solutions found online, app scroll bit jump top while scrolling choppy.
the solution fixes scrolling me most:
` = defaultheight; console.log('before'); settimeout(function(){ frameheight = frameelem.clientheight; = frameheight + "px"; console.log('after'); navigator.splashscreen.hide(); }, 3000); myapp.hideindicator();`
this code inside onload iframe. going on every time src tag changes on iframe, when loads new url, client height , set iframe height. know seems crazy, setting height of iframe 100% not work.
now, seems make scrolling smooth, has lag. also, not 'jump' top of iframe.
let me know if need post more information/code, need on this. have been stuck on months! cannot find solutions work me. thought on issue reason height , scrolling main view of app , iframe different , causing problems.
any , appreciated!
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