python - Wrong number of dimensions. Keras -
i'm having troubles grasping shape input first layer of network. architecture:
# model hyperparameters filter_sizes = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] num_filters = 10 dropout_prob = [0.5, 0.8] hidden_dims = 50 model_input = input(shape=(x.shape[0], x.shape[1])) z = model_input z = dropout(0.5)(z) # convolutional block conv_blocks = [] fz in filter_sizes: conv = convolution1d(filters=num_filters, kernel_size=fz, padding="valid", activation="relu", strides=1)(z) conv = maxpooling1d(pool_size=2)(conv) conv = flatten()(conv) conv_blocks.append(conv) z = concatenate()(conv_blocks) if len(conv_blocks) > 1 else conv_blocks[0] z = dropout(dropout_prob[1])(z) z = dense(hidden_dims, activation="relu")(z) model_output = dense(3, activation="softmax")(z) model = model(model_input, model_output)[train], to_categorical(y[train], num_classes=3)) valueerror: error when checking input: expected input_1 have 3 dimensions, got array shape (12547, 261)
this how data looks like:
array([[ 1, 2, 3, ..., 0, 0, 0], [ 5, 6, 7, ..., 0, 0, 0], [15, 10, 4, ..., 0, 0, 0], ..., [ 5, 6, 8, ..., 0, 0, 0], [11, 10, 14, ..., 0, 0, 0], [14, 8, 8, ..., 0, 0, 0]])
i have 14640 samples 261 dimensions
as error says it's shaping problem shape of input (model_input) provided should match input shape of data feed in
recheck shapes using: from keras import backend k
k.shape(input _tensor)
if it's tensor or np.shape()
if it's numpy array. if shapes don't match(and won't)use function k.reshape fore more see keras/backend api
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