gps - Android requestLocationUpdates not called properly -

i locate user clicking on button. therefore use code:

lm = getsystemservice(locationmanager.class); provider = locationmanager.gps_provider; listener = new locationlistener() { @override public void onlocationchanged(location location) {    log.e("update","updating location"); } @override public void onstatuschanged(string s, int i, bundle bundle) {  } @override public void onproviderenabled(string s) {  } @override public void onproviderdisabled(string s) {  } };  lm.requestlocationupdates(locationmanager.gps_provider, 0, 0, listener); 

the requestlocationupdates method called onlocationchanged method called few times. gps activated , permissions granted.

do have idea why onlocationchanged not called? checked getlastknownlocation false after calling requestlocationupdates.

i think onlocationchanged() not suppose called always, called if location changes.


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