osx - Implementing NSSegmentedControl in NSToolbar to control NSTabViewController -

in macos application, i'm trying replicate photos.app implementation of nssegmentedcontrol in nstoolbar control nstabviewcontroller. reference, here's looks like:

photos.app in macos sierra.

so, approach follows:

  1. hide default nstabview header using interface builder
  2. programmatically add nstoolbar
  3. insert nssegmentedcontrol nstoolbaritem.
  4. use #selector listen changes nssegmentedcontrol.

here's current implementation:

class windowcontroller: nswindowcontroller, nstoolbardelegate {      // mark: - identifiers      let maintoolbaridentifier = nstoolbar.identifier("main_toolbar")     let segmentedcontrolidentifier = nstoolbaritem.identifier("main_tabbar")      // mark: - properties      var tabbar: nssegmentedcontrol? = nssegmentedcontrol(labels: ["one", "two"], trackingmode: nssegmentedcontrol.switchtracking.selectone, target: self, action: #selector(didswitchtabs))     var toolbar: nstoolbar?     var tabbarcontroller: nstabviewcontroller?      // mark: - life cycle      override func windowdidload() {         super.windowdidload()          self.toolbar = nstoolbar(identifier: maintoolbaridentifier)         self.toolbar?.allowsusercustomization = false         self.toolbar?.delegate = self          self.tabbar?.setselected(true, forsegment: 0)          self.tabbarcontroller = self.window?.contentviewcontroller as? nstabviewcontroller         self.tabbarcontroller?.selectedtabviewitemindex = 0          self.window?.toolbar = self.toolbar     }      // mark: - nstoolbardelegate      public func toolbar(_ toolbar: nstoolbar, itemforitemidentifier itemidentifier: nstoolbaritem.identifier, willbeinsertedintotoolbar flag: bool) -> nstoolbaritem? {          var toolbaritem: nstoolbaritem          switch itemidentifier {         case segmentedcontrolidentifier:             toolbaritem = nstoolbaritem(itemidentifier: segmentedcontrolidentifier)             toolbaritem.view = self.tabbar         case nstoolbaritem.identifier.flexiblespace:             toolbaritem = nstoolbaritem(itemidentifier: itemidentifier)         default:             fatalerror()         }          return toolbaritem     }      public func toolbaralloweditemidentifiers(_ toolbar: nstoolbar) -> [nstoolbaritem.identifier] {         return [segmentedcontrolidentifier, nstoolbaritem.identifier.flexiblespace]     }      public func toolbardefaultitemidentifiers(_ toolbar: nstoolbar) -> [nstoolbaritem.identifier] {         return [nstoolbaritem.identifier.flexiblespace, segmentedcontrolidentifier, nstoolbaritem.identifier.flexiblespace]     }      // mark: - selectors      @objc func didswitchtabs(sender: any) {          let segmentedcontrol = sender as! nssegmentedcontrol          if (segmentedcontrol.selectedsegment == 0) {             self.tabbarcontroller?.selectedtabviewitemindex = 0         } else if (segmentedcontrol.selectedsegment == 1) {             self.tabbarcontroller?.selectedtabviewitemindex = 1         }     }  } 

and, here in action:

implementing nssegmentedcontrol in nstoolbar control nstabviewcontroller.

now, new macos development , feels it's complicated , convoluted way of solving problem. there easier way achieve same thing ? perhaps somehow in interface builder ? done improve here ? have done wrong ?

thanks time.


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