r - Using boost multiprecision with Rcpp on Windows -

i'm trying compile , use following code (which have seen on so):

// [[rcpp::depends(bh)]] #include <rcpp.h> #include <boost/multiprecision/float128.hpp>  namespace mp = boost::multiprecision;  // [[rcpp::export]] std::string mexp(double mx) {   mp::float128 x(mx);   mp::float128 res = mp::exp(x);   return res.convert_to<std::string>(); } 

before compiling, have sys.setenv("pkg_libs" = "-lquadmath") otherwise compilation not work. compilation runs fine, when type mexp(1) in r, r session totally crashes. missing ? session crashes in rstudio in classical r gui.

ps: under windows , crash r-3.3.3 r-3.4.1.


just tried on linux r-3.4.1 , works fine. don't need sys.setenv("pkg_libs" = "-lquadmath").


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