c# - EF code-first - IQueryable having multiplication on a specific decimal property -
i have been struggling following problem on entity framework code-first.
i have entity class decimal, , have multiplier decimal parameter.
i want build query (but not call it), returns entities, bar
property need multiplied parameter.
from coding side:
public class foo { public guid id { get; set; } public decimal bar { get; set; } } // simple stuff returns entities after filterings. context.set<foo>().where(x => querying on many props).tolist();
this method similiar want achieve:
public iqueryable<foo> getfooquery( .. many properties used query .. , decimal multiplier) { var iqueryablepart = context.set<foo>().where(querying parameters); /* ... , here? ... */ /* iqueryablepart = iqueryablepart.select(x => new { bar = bar * multiplier <-- okay }); */ // how retrieve other columns without listing them 1 one, , how return data iqueryable<foo> ? return iqueryablepart; }
i use method in following way:
iqueryable<foo> fullquery = null; for(some loop, may 10 or 1000 iterations, depends) { var part = getfooquery(/* .. query params ..*/, 2); if(myfullquery == null) fullquery = part; else fullquery.union(part); } // , in end, db call once: var result = fullquery.tolist();
in sql, handle this:
select id, bar * @myvalue bar, # , other columns foo (param queries 1) or (param queries 2) or --- (param queries n)
my question is: way via iqueryable
, ef? important, need call db 1 time.
i reckon may query building stuff, i'm not familiar yet, appreciated.
ef6 not support projection (select
) class mapped entity. hence option have project anonymous or special class. scenario, easiest see class this:
public class foobar { public foo foo { get; set; } public decimal bar { get; set; } }
then single query method this:
public iqueryable<foobar> getfooquery( .. many properties used query .. , decimal multiplier) { return context.set<foo>() .where(querying parameters) .select(foo => new foobar { foo = foo, bar = foo.bar * multiplier }); }
now can build full query:
iqueryable<foobar> fullquery = null; (some loop, may 10 or 1000 iterations, depends) { var subquery = getfooquery(/* .. query params ..*/, 2); fullquery = fullquery == null ? subquery : fullquery.union(subquery); }
note if use different multiplier (otherwise whole procedure not make sense), you'd better use linq concat
method (which translates sql union all
) rather union
(which translates sql union
finally, can materialize result foo
sequennce executing single final sql query, switching linq objects , converting foobar
var result = fullquery. .asenumerable() // db query ends here .select(foobar => { foobar.foo.bar = foobar.bar; return foobar.foo; }) .tolist();
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