Webpack -p slow build "[BABEL]" Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of "file.jsx" as it exceeds the max of "500KB" -

while running webpack -p babel note thrown. build notoriously slow(takes 2 minutes), , hangs @ point(for minute).

the file leaflet.js dataset of map tiles, saved in variable , imported component. it's 16000 lines long.

how can around warning/error, , possibly decrease webpack -p build time? file never changes @ all, it's static. there better way load , bundle it?

here's stacktrace first part hangs, though not related above warning:

[error] loaderutils.parsequery() received non-string value can problematic, see https://github.com/webpack/loader-utils/issues/56 [error] parsequery() replaced getoptions() in next major version of loader-utils. [info] hash: 3630895d5243d91f70f9 [info] version: webpack 2.2.1 [info] time: 112723ms 


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