python - QuickSI algorithm for finding subgraph isomorphisms -

i studying quick subgraph isomorphism (quicksi) algorithm , having problem understanding formulae regarding inner support , average inner support calculation described @ page 6, (2) , (3). if "v" stands vertex , "e" stands edge, f(v) , f(e) do? how can obtain values of table 2 page 6? definition 4 page 5 not in helping me understand. isomorphic mappings query graph data graph understand taking different components query graph , see if can found in data graph. computation time not seem feasible large graphs.

here can find original article:

thank in advance!

the function f described in definition 1 - it's isomorphism function preserved labels (l).

the 'average inner-support' number of 'features' (for example, vertices) have isomorphism divided number of graphs have isomorphism. values of table, need know dataset of graphs (d) used. doesn't seem referenced except in example 4.

really, taking step - need implement particular algorithm? there plenty of simpler ones might slower, clearer. furthermore, why not use else's implementation of subgraph isomorphism algorithm?


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