android: I want to retrieve an image from firebase and show it in a new activity -
this how upload image firebase
storage. every time app opens, want fetch image storage , display in new activity.
storagereference childref=mstorage.child(newsnow).child("image3"); uploadtask uploadtask=childref.putfile(uri3); uploadtask.addonsuccesslistener(new onsuccesslistener<uploadtask.tasksnapshot>() { @override public void onsuccess(uploadtask.tasksnapshot tasksnapshot) { toast.maketext(postnews.this, "uploaded", toast.length_short).show(); } }).addonfailurelistener(new onfailurelistener() { @override public void onfailure(@nonnull exception e) { toast.maketext(postnews.this, "no da", toast.length_short).show(); } });
for retrieving image firebase have store image url in firebase database. after retrieving image url can use libraries picasso, glide , many others getting image url. can prefer this link more description.
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