Jasper Reports Missing Bottom Line When Text Wraps -
when you're creating jasper report
has rows of reports might have subreport rows,
problem can occur when text in 1 of report row cells long , wraps several lines.
when happens, bottom horizontal line doesn't drawn.
here image 2 report rows, one of has subreport, other of not. 1 without subreport missing bottom horizontal line:
a clue in following image, in report has wrapping text have subreport. in case can see little gaps in vertical lines @ level of top of subreport:
what causing this? i'm new jasperreports , have spent quite time looking answer.
the 2 files total 1000 lines, , can post of code might suspect. thank you!
edit: believe have found culprit:
<line> <reportelement positiontype="float" x="0" y="29" width="918" height="1" isprintwhendetailoverflows="true" uuid="b39fe748-fb03-4807-b13a-40bcacc2b53e"> <printwhenexpression><![cdata[($f{defects}==null || ((java.util.map[])$f{defects}).length==0) && $f{inspection_detail}== null]]></printwhenexpression> </reportelement>
it has print condition (printwhenexpression). output if condition incorrectly deemed false when text in 1 column wraps several lines though there no subreport defect rows. when remove condition, line appears. unfortunately, without condition, line appears when shouldn't, acting border between report , subreport rows.
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