mysql - How to equiry data using sql when facing condition? -

type cost     10     11     12  b    10  b    10 

i have small sample table. want select data cost of same type expected outcome should be:

type cost     10     11     12 

the cost different need select these "a" out. "select" sentence?

thanks replies. table little more complex

type cost people     10   jack     11   frank     12   lucy  b    10   amy  b    10   tom 

i need select data meet 1 of requirements below:

  1. same type different cost
  2. same type people "amy"

so outcome should :

type cost people     10   jack     11   frank     12   lucy  b    10   amy  b    10   tom 

select of type because cost different select of type b because people has "amy" have firgure out how select amy this:

select type, cost, people table  type in (select type table people = 'amy') 

i don't know how combine these conditions. sql fiddle

you can use exists row same type other cost:

select t1.type, t1.cost tablename t1 exists (select * tablename t2               t2.type = t1.type                 , t2.cost <> t1.cost) 

or have sub-query returns type values having different costs, , join result:

select t1.type, t1.cost tablename t1 join (select type       tablename       group type       having max(cost) <> min(cost)) t2     on t1.type = t2.type 


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