angularjs - Angular custom directive is not working with controllerAS? -

i have written custom directive scroll down . , thats work fine angular normal controller. after days use controlleras controller. , after directive not working ==>

app.directive("scrolleddown", function ($window) { return {     restrict: 'a',     link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {         angular.element($window).off("scroll");         angular.element($window).bind("scroll", function () {                            if ($(window).scrolltop() + $(window).height() + 5 >= $(document).height()) {                 $(window).scrolltop($(window).scrolltop() - 10);                 scope.$parent.$apply(attrs.scrolleddown);                                 }         });     } } }); 

after using contolleras directive not woking dont know why =>

<div scrolled-down='myctrl.loadmore()' style="height:200px;overflow-y:scroll">         <p>             on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!             on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!on july 16, 1969, apollo 11 spacecraft launched kennedy space center in florida. mission go no human being had gone before—the moon! crew consisted of neil armstrong, michael collins, , buzz aldrin. spacecraft landed on moon in sea of tranquility, basaltic flood plain, on july 20, 1969. moonwalk took place following day. on july 21, 1969, @ precisely 10:56 edt, commander neil armstrong emerged lunar module , took famous first step onto moon’s surface. declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” monumental moment in human history!             july 21, 1969, , neil armstrong awoke start. day become first human being ever walk on moon. journey had begun several days earlier, when on july 16th, apollo 11 launched earth headed outer space. on board neil armstrong michael collins , buzz aldrin. crew landed on moon in sea of tranquility day before actual walk. upon neil’s first step onto moon’s surface, declared, “that’s 1 small step man, 1 giant leap mankind.” sure was!         </p>     </div> 

before using controlleras used scrolled-down='loadmore()' thats work fine.

vm.loadmore= function () {     alert('scroll down called');     console.log('scroll down called'); }; 

when works controlleras functionality.

can problem..........


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