notepad++ - Regex replace one value between comma separated values -

i'm having bunch of comma separated csv files. replace exact 1 value between third , fourth comma. love notepad++ 'find in files' , replace functionality use regex.

each line in files this:


the value replace in each line number 1 one.

it can't simple regex e.g. ,1, somewhere else in line, must 1 after third , before fourth comma...

could me regex? in advance!

two more rows example:

01/25/2016,15:22:55,276575950,1,103116561,,ngd.itemversions,0.401,0.058,w10,0.052,143783065,,... 01/25/2016,15:23:07,276581704,1,126731239,,ll.browse,7.133,1.589,w272,3.191,113273232,,...

you can use


replace value need.

the pattern explanation:

  • ^ - start of line
  • (?:[^,\n]*,){2} - 2 sequences of
    • [^,\n]* - 0 or more characters other , , \n (matched negated character class [^,\n]) followed with
    • , - literal comma
  • [^,\n]* - 0 or more characters other , , \n
  • \k - operator forces regex engine discard whole text matched far regex pattern
  • ,1, - in match.

enter image description here

note \n inside negated character classes prevent overflowing next lines in document.


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