webpack - Vue.js throwing inexplicable syntax error for Blackberry browser 10.3 -

i'm using vue.js build site , i'm getting following error in blackberry browser 10.3:

syntaxerror: unexpected token '(' app.a3c4ee08427b9dd5e351.js:268

and when view line that's referenced in error in compiled app.a3c4ee08427b9dd5e351.js file see following:

/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({     name: 'app-header',     components: {},     data: function () {         return {};     },     mounted() {}, <-- line 268 referenced in error     methods: {} }); 

i'm using "single-file template" method , above block looks uncompiled in source:

<script>      export default {         name: 'app-header',         components : {},         data : function() {             return {}         },         mounted() {              $(document).ready(function() {                  $('.nav-link').on('click', function() {                     $(document).stop().animate({                         scrolltop : 0                     }, 444);                 });              });          }     }  </script> 

so block throwing error missing contents of mounted() function. but, there's second block further down in compiled file does have contents of mounted() function intact app-header component:

/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["default"] = ({     name: 'app-header',     components: {},     data: function () {         return {};     },     mounted() {          $(document).ready(function () {              $('.nav-link').on('click', function () {                 $(document).stop().animate({                     scrolltop: 0                 }, 444);             });          });     } }); 

the error seems saying i've got errant ( somewhere, i've combed on 1000 times , can't seem find happening.

also, works in other browsers.

anyone have idea causing bb browser 10.3?

note: client owns blackberry, why we're targeting device 5 or 6 people on planet use.


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