c# - Get date part of date time -

i have web api controller need write date table.

i try this

[responsetype(typeof(timetable))]     public ihttpactionresult poststartpause(timetable startpause)     {         if (!modelstate.isvalid)         {             return badrequest(modelstate);         }         if (modelstate.isvalid)         {             datetime dt = datetime.today.date;              timetable c = (from x in db.timetables                 x.company == startpause.company && x.inn == startpause.inn                 select x).first();             c.startpause = startpause.startpause;             c.today = dt;             db.savechanges();         }         //db.timetables.add(startpause);         //db.savechanges();         return json(new { result = "success", message = "saved successfully" });         // return createdatroute("defaultapi", new { id = startpause.id }, startpause);     } 

for date part try use code

 datetime dt = datetime.today.date; 

but writes date , time

here timetable class

 public partial class timetable {     public int id { get; set; }     public string company { get; set; }     public string inn { get; set; }     public string startday { get; set; }     public string startpause { get; set; }     public string endday { get; set; }     public string endpause { get; set; }     public nullable<system.datetime> today { get; set; } } 

how can write date db?

you have check table schema on db server, apparently field datatype set datetime, instead can use date.


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