algolia - How can I display lvl1 options in a separate container? -

a widget of mine defined so:

search.addwidget(   instantsearch.widgets.hierarchicalmenu({     container: '#hierarchical',     attributes: ['region.lvl0', 'region.lvl1'],     cssclasses: {       active: 'active'     },     templates: {       item: menutemplate     }   }) ); 

this leads navigation display so:

region.lvl0 region.lvl0 (selected)     > region.lvl1     > region.lvl1     > region.lvl1 region.lvl0 region.lvl0 

is possible render lvl1 facets in separate container? instance, lvl0 displayed in list format. when user selects lvl0 region, dropdown populates lvl1 facets in separate area refine search further.

if isn't possible, possible current lvl1 attributes , manually send query algolia new attribute (similar algolia search helper)?


you can take @ connectors encapsulate logic needed making search widgets. you'll have provide function in order rendering you'd see.


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