returning a multidimensional array with explicit return type in c++ -

i have class has member defined as:

float u[2][2]; 

now have accessor function , return reference array. so, have like:

const float & [2][2] mat() const {     return u; } 

is there way return using kind o syntax rather pointer syntax (i think makes things more explicit).

it's awkward, but:

const float (&mat() const)[2][2] {     return u; } 

using typedef or decltype might better, eg:

const decltype(u) &mat() const { return u; } 


using mat22 = float[2][2]; const mat22 &mat() const { return u; } 

(this latter 1 suggested daniel h. in comments).

or, in c++14, just:

const auto &mat() const { return u; } 


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