excel - VBA Copy and Paste Transpose data from Multiple columns -

i have multiple timesheet workbooks set has employee name , multiple columns different hour types (eg. base hours, holiday pay, sick pay). see image . enter image description here

i need code able copy each employee type of hours (heading) , value 4 columns.


employee 1 base hours 37.50

employee 1 sick hours 15.00

employee 1 group leader 20.00

employee 2 base hours 50.00

employee 2 holiday pay 60.00

i have code copies data template stuck on how copy above.

sub consolidate() application.enablecancelkey = xldisabled dim folderpath string dim filename string dim wb workbook dim fname string dim fpath string dim newbook workbook   folderpath = "c:\users\preena.j\documents\payroll\timesheet - myob"  'contains folder path if right(folderpath, 1) <> "\" folderpath = folderpath + "\" filename = dir(folderpath & "*.xlsx") while filename <> "" application.screenupdating = false set wb = workbooks.open(folderpath & filename)   wb.sheets("timesheet").range("a9:n" & range("a" &  rows.count).end(xlup).row).copy  workbooks("myobtimesheetimport").worksheets("myobtimesheetimport").range("a"  & range("a" & rows.count).end(xlup).row + 1).pastespecial xlpastevalues       workbooks(filename).close true     filename = dir loop   application.screenupdating = true  fpath = "c:\users\preena.j\documents\payroll\timesheet - myob" fname = "myobtimesheetimport_" & format(now(), "yyyymmdd")  set newbook = workbooks.add  thisworkbook.sheets("myobtimesheetimport").copy before:=newbook.sheets(1)  if dir(fpath & "\" & fname) <> ""      msgbox "file " & fpath & "\" & fname & " exists" else     newbook.saveas filename:=fpath & "\" & fname, fileformat:=xlcsv end if     newbook.close savechanges:=true  end sub 

example timesheet file

example upload template

using function @ link posted, (untested):

option explicit  sub consolidate()      application.enablecancelkey = xldisabled     dim folderpath string     dim filename string     dim wb workbook     dim fname string     dim fpath string     dim newbook workbook      folderpath = "c:\users\preena.j\documents\payroll\timesheet - myob"     'contains folder path     if right(folderpath, 1) <> "\" folderpath = folderpath + "\"     filename = dir(folderpath & "*.xlsx")       dim rngdata, p, shtdest worksheet     set shtdest = workbooks("myobtimesheetimport").worksheets("myobtimesheetimport")      while filename <> ""          application.screenupdating = false         set wb = workbooks.open(folderpath & filename)          '<edited> range containing data         wb.sheets("timesheet")             set rngdata = .range("a9:n" & _                       .range("a" & .rows.count).end(xlup).row)         end         '</edited>          p = unpivotdata(rngdata, 2, true, false) '<< unpivot          'put unpivoted data sheet         shtdest.cells(rows.count, "a").end(xlup).offset(1, 0)             .resize(ubound(p, 1), ubound(p, 2)).value = p         end          workbooks(filename).close true         filename = dir     loop      application.screenupdating = true      fpath = "c:\users\preena.j\documents\payroll\timesheet - myob"     fname = "myobtimesheetimport_" & format(now(), "yyyymmdd")      set newbook = workbooks.add      thisworkbook.sheets("myobtimesheetimport").copy before:=newbook.sheets(1)      if dir(fpath & "\" & fname) <> ""          msgbox "file " & fpath & "\" & fname & " exists"     else         newbook.saveas filename:=fpath & "\" & fname, fileformat:=xlcsv     end if      newbook.close savechanges:=true  end sub 


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