javascript - How to scrape website data into an Excel worksheet? -

i'm novice programmer trying compile excel list of inc5000 companies , industry, location, revenue, , ceo. there way me automate don't have manually input 5000?

some issues:

-the inc5000 list displays 50 companies on page, , scrolling next page not change url. tried converting url html, none of metadata shows in html code (i used

-all of information need on 1 scrolling page (, url changes each company progress down page. there way grab data site without manually changing 5000 urls?

i'm new programming , know next nothing html/javascript/web design-- know basic java. appreciate or potential leads solution.

here's easy way:

go page, hit f12, go "network" tab of debug tools, select xhr (to filter data calls) scroll bottom of page. page makes query each company, can access in debug tools.

once have pages, can highlight rows in file name list left, right click, , save .har file.

from there, write script pull out json , you're set.

enter image description here


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