api - Downloading videos list from Khan Academy library -

i want dump of video titles, description, topic hierarchy , download urls in khan academy library. aim post-process library format having similar data other educational web sites.

i tried topictree api khan academy api explorer but, unable interpret results.

  1. i don't see sample output api explorer match output see. example, don't see download_urls object.
  2. i not sure, parent of given children object. example, initial output has number of {"kind" : "topic", "id" : "xsomething"} objects.
  3. the api document mentions that, topic tree output can filtered using kind=topic query parameter. but, not sure, seems regardless of use, seem "kind" : "topic" only.
  4. how 1 use id? topic api uses topic_slug.

btw, version of api current? repository has issue on v2, wiki mentions v1 , api explorer mentions v1.


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