jquery - Get values from an HTML table row and pass them to a modal -

im trying make webpage has table , user must able click on filtered row or non-filtered row , modal should pop displaying more info selected row.

here main code (table included)

<body ng-app="mainapp"> <h1>issues repository</h1> <div class="container-1"> <span class="icon"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></span> <input type="search" id="search" ng-model="searchbox" placeholder="buscar..." /> </div> <div>   </div> <div id="divbuscador" ng-controller="issues">     <table class="table table-striped" id="tablelist"  cellspacing="0" border=1>      <tr>       <th>opco</th>       <th>tecnologia</th>       <th>version</th>       <th>titulo del issue</th>       <th>estado</th>     </tr>          <tr class='clickable-row' data-target="#contentmodal" style="cursor:pointer" id="issuelist"  ng-repeat="document in documents | filter:searchbox" ng-click="openmodal(documents)">         <td id="opco_val">{{ document.opco}}</td>         <td id="tec_val">{{ document.tecnology }}</td>   <td >{{ document.version }}</td>   <td >{{ document.issue }}</td>   <td >{{ document.status }}</td>         </tr>   </table>  </div> 

this function linked on-click:

jquery(document).ready(function($) {             $(".clickable-row").click(function() {                 $('#contentmodal').modal('show');         });         }); 

this controller:

app.controller('issues',  ['$scope', function($scope, $modal){ $scope.documents = filex.records;  }]); 

how can pass variables modal, {{ document.version }} or {{ document.issue }}

please explain everything, im new angular.

as understood, need data clicked row?

this code below that.

 $('#example tr').click(function(){           $(this).find("td").each(function(){           alert($(this).html());         });     }); 

i've printed values in alert box , works perfectly. if want store each value array push lines of code:

    $scope.tablerowvalues = [];     $scope.tablerowvalues.push($(this).html()); 

inside of .each method

hope you!


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