Hibernate - Using java.time.Instant with PostgreSQL -

i schemamanagementexception because of type mismatch. hibernate version 5.2.8.final. hibernate.ddl-auto set validate

org.hibernate.tool.schema.spi.schemamanagementexception: schema-validation: wrong column type encountered in column [end_date] in table [certificate]; found [date (types#date)], expecting [timestamp (types#timestamp)] 

the column entity of type java.time.instant, , postgresql column of type timestamptz.

@column(name = "end_date") private instant enddate; 

for java.time.instant, hibernate type instanttype maps timestamp jdbc type. understand why error says it's expecting types#timestamp. don't understand error says found types#date.

source: https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/5.2/userguide/html_single/hibernate_user_guide.html

one workaround set column definition as

@column(name = "end_date", columndefinition="date") private instant enddate; 

but not convinced it's solution. me instant timestamp, not date.

the workaround not solution. java.time.instant, postgresql column should of type timestamp. mistake in db creation.


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