html - PHP, Codeigniter: Foreach Should Echo Multiple Rows when accessed in Controller -

hi guys summarize problem here hope understand.

main goal: have on change event depend on selected values in month access controller , echo multiple rows or result.

already accomplished: have on change event in multiple select trigger controller , access rows.

the on change event:

$('#month').change(function() {   var values = $(this).val(); // returns array      // loop on values     values.foreach(function(val){        if (val == 1)       {         $("#nomonthschoolfees").load(baseurl+'/admin/summary/nomonthschoolfees/'+studentid+'/'+schoolyearid);       // access controller if 1 selected in multiple select.       }       else if (val == 2)       {        }   }); }); 

main problems:

problem 1: 1st problem is, when echoing row, results of datas outside select option box.

problem 2: i've tried query in mysql, should show @ least 2 rows, showing/echoing 1 result of foreach inside controller.

screenshot of forms , problem: enter image description here

main code (controller):

public function nomonthschoolfees($studentid = null, $schoolyearid = null) {     if ($studentid && $schoolyearid) {         $studentfeesdata = $this->model_feestudent->nomonthschoolfees($studentid, $schoolyearid);          if ($studentfeesdata) {             $arraynumber = 0;              foreach($studentfeesdata $x => $studentfees) {                 $rows = '                         <tr id="row'.$x.'" class="'.$arraynumber.'">                           <td class="form-group">                             <select style="width: 400px; text-align-last:center;" class="form-control" name="subparticulars['.$x.']" id="subparticulars'.$x.'" readonly/>                                 <option value="'.$studentfees['feetype_id'].'"> '.$studentfees['feetype_name'].' </option>                             </select>                              </td>                           <td class="form-group">                             <input type="text" class="form-control" name="subpaymentbalance[<?php echo $x; ?>]" id="subpaymentbalance<?php echo $x; ?>" onclick="copybalance('.$x.')" style="text-align:center;" value="'.$studentfees['feestudent_amount'].'" readonly />                           </td>                         </tr>';                 $arraynumber++;                 }// end of foreach          }// end of if ($studentfeesdata)     } // end of if ($studentid && $schoolyearid)      echo $rows; // echo results of rows.  }// end of function 

you overwritting $rows each loop.


... $rows = '     <tr id="row'.$x.'" class="'.$arraynumber.'"> ... 


public function nomonthschoolfees($studentid = null, $schoolyearid = null) {     $rows = '';      ...      $rows .= '         <tr id="row'.$x.'" class="'.$arraynumber.'">     ... 

also fix closing tag (look @ backslash on end):

<select style="width: 400px; text-align-last:center;" class="form-control" name="subparticulars['.$x.']" id="subparticulars'.$x.'" readonly/> 


<select style="width: 400px; text-align-last:center;" class="form-control" name="subparticulars['.$x.']" id="subparticulars'.$x.'" readonly> 


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