mvc - How to customize .net resource files for different customer? -

i have mvc application uses resx files different languages. files existing in web project , 1 service layer.

i want customize labels specific customer (they have accounts , login our web app). possible to archive less code change?

have reached articles below switch use database seems require work. or or

seem using custom resource provider load customer based resx files difficulty thinking of is:

  • how pass customerid resource provider.
  • how load resource dll file custom directory \bin\de\customer1*.resources.dll or \bin\it\customer1*.resources.dll

thanks suggestion !

so have solution working ! (based on post afana), code change should less (create xml files, run resourcebuilder.exe).

what did customize little:

  • modify resourcebuilder generate keys in partial class
  • manually create resources.provider.cs instantiates xmlresourceprovider individual customer or accepts default xml resource

enter image description here

  • if helps here poc - change customerid / uiculture test.


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