cloudfoundry - Spring Cloud Config Server - Constant Polling -

i have deployed instance of spring cloud config server in pivotal cloud foundry env. there 3 instances of app running. tailed logs , can see polling github server.

[rtr/11] out - [2017-08-14t16:02:36.740+0000] "get /application/sp-prd,cloud/master http/1.1" 200 0 93 "-" "java/1.8.0_101" "" "" x_forwarded_for:"" x_forwarded_proto:"https" vcap_request_id:"f48aaa7a-1210-4fee-4471-9be18113c7b5" response_time:1.754105382 app_id:"74b03aee-f6be-4ea5-9063-d1db83d61f70" app_index:"1" x_b3_traceid:"8a4bf40fb7d4675e" x_b3_spanid:"8a4bf40fb7d4675e" x_b3_parentspanid:"-"

is there way determine causing config server poll github , stop polling frequently?


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