angular - Angular2 innerHtml constantly updating -

i think more of style question want make sure doing correctly.

i have endpoint calling annoyingly returning svg image instead of full jpeg or png , need display on page. created service calls out , grabs svg. service gets called method in component called getimage(id).

in html have like:

<div [innerhtml]="getimage(id)></div> 

one thing noticed can't inspect svg in chrome because it's updating. wondering if problem , if how fix it? looks it's calling update method nothing has changed on page (as far can tell) change detection shouldn't triggered?

example comment:

import { ..., oninit, ... } '@angular/core'  @component({ ... }) export class ...component implements oninit {    private image: string;     constructor(...) { ... }     public ngoninit(): void {       this.getimage(1); //get id somewhere    }     private getimage(id): void {       ...       this.image = ...;    } } 


<div [innerhtml]="image"></div> 


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