multidimensional array - Plotting a nested cell as a predefined structure: MATLAB -
i have series of nested cells represent tree structures. example of 1 of these cells corresponding structure image below:
i need know possible methods draw corresponding structure in matlab. far, have found this method here might best solution available, still struggling how implement it. thanks.
just doesn't remain unanswered...
mycellarray = {0,0,{1,0,0,{1,0},0,0},{1,0,{1,0},0},{1,1},0,0}; [mytreearray,mytreeevals] = gettreearray(mycellarray); mytreeplot(mytreearray,mytreeevals)
for fourth example output, can modify suit needs:
two functions, adapted answers, shown below.
first based on related answer @wolfie:
function [treearray, nodevals] = gettreearray(cellarray) % initialise array construction node 0 [nodes, ~, nodevals] = treebuilder(cellarray, 1,0); nodevals = decellify(nodevals); treearray = nodes-1; % recursive tree building function, pass cell array , root node function [out, node, nodevals] = treebuilder(cellarray, rnode,skipfirst) % set variables populated whilst looping out = []; nodevals = []; % start node off @ root node node = rnode; % loop on cell array elements, either recurse or add node num2loop = 1:numel(cellarray); % added, input function everywhere used if skipfirst num2loop = 2:numel(cellarray); end %end added ii = num2loop tb = []; node = node + 1; if iscell(cellarray{ii}) [tb, node] = treebuilder(cellarray{ii}, node,1); end out = [out, rnode, tb]; end nodevals = [nodevals,cellarray]; end function data = decellify(data) try data = cellfun(@decellify,data,'un',0); if any(cellfun(@iscell,data)) data = [data{:}]; end catch % non-cell node, return node data as-is end end end
and based on so answer treeplots:
function mytreeplot(treearray,nodevals) % @ first need get x , y coordinates of every node in original tree plot , find leaves in [x,y] = treelayout(treearray); leaves = find( y == min(y) ); %added if nargin < 2 leaveparents = find( y ~= min(y) ); leavechilds = leaves; else leaveparents = find([nodevals{:}]==1); leavechilds = find([nodevals{:}]~=1); end %end added num_layers = 1/min(y)-1; chains = zeros(num_layers, length(leaves)); % next, reconstruct every chain in tree plot , store in matrix (by doing so, can later change y position of nodes) l=1:length(leaves) index = leaves(l); chain = []; chain(1) = index; parent_index = treearray(index); j = 2; while (parent_index ~= 0) chain(j) = parent_index; parent_index = treearray(parent_index); j = j+1; end chains(:,l) = padarray(flip(chain), [0, num_layers-length(chain)], 'post'); end % compute new y-coordinates determined row index in matrix , dependent on number of layers in tree: y_new = zeros(size(y)); i=1:length(treearray) [r,c] = find(chains==i, 1); y_new(i) = max(y) - (r-1)*1/(num_layers+1); end % can plot re-positioned nodes , add connecting lines: figure;plot(x(leaveparents), y_new(leaveparents), '.r','markersize',16); hold on plot(x(leavechilds), y_new(leavechilds), '.k','markersize',16); c=1:size(chains, 2) line_x = x(chains(chains(:,c)>0, c)); line_y = y_new(chains(chains(:,c)>0, c)); line(line_x, line_y); end axis([0 1 0 1]);
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