python 3.x - How to apply this pandas.Series code to compare several files within a folder -

i have code finds csv files in folder , reads them in:

directory = os.fsencode(folderpath) os.chdir(directory) file in os.listdir(directory):     filename = os.fsdecode(file)     if filename.endswith(".csv"):         df1 = pd.read_csv(filename)[columnname] 

now have code can find rows found in every single csv file input:

    match = pd.series(list(set(file1.columnname) & set(file2.columnname) & set(file3.columnname) & set(file4.columnname))) 

how can merge 2 pieces of code above find rows found in every single csv file within folder , return matches in single pandas dataframe?

i think can create list of series first , dynamically find matches reduce:

#data previous answer vals = [] directory = os.fsencode(folderpath) os.chdir(directory) file in os.listdir(directory):     filename = os.fsdecode(file)     if filename.endswith(".csv"):         df1 = pd.read_csv(filename)['name']         vals.append(df1)  functools import reduce = reduce(lambda x, y: set(x) & set(y), vals) print (a) {'ben', 'neil'}  df = pd.dataframe({'col':list(a)}) print (df)     col 0   ben 1  neil 


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