ios - Phonegap app NSCalendarsUsageDescription error:This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description -
i have phonegap app.i want upgrade , add admob described here( )
i add config.xml plugin
<gap:plugin name="cordova-plugin-admob-simple" version="3.3.4" source="npm"/> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" />
and add ads code index.html
<script type="text/javascript"> function ondeviceready() { initad(); } function initad(){ if ( window.plugins && window.plugins.admob ) { var ad_units = { ios : { banner: ....
and upload app build successful.i add .apk google play , works well.then try upload .ipa apple store application loader give error.i don't use nscalendarsusagedescription plugin.i don't need permission this.where come?why give error ?is admob or cordova-plugin-whitelist plugin include nscalendarsusagedescription ?how can handle this?
missing info.plist key - app attempts access privacy-sensitive data without usage description. app's info.plist must contain nscalendarsusagedescription key string value explaining user how app uses data.
based on link updating latest version of framework should help. plugin using depends on this plugin includes googlemobileads.framework. hasn't been updated in 2 years though.
you can try fix forking both plugins , installing them using git urls. cordova-plugin-admob-simple
should remove line <dependency id="cordova-admob-sdklibs"/>
, sdklibs plugin, update googlemobileads.framework. file issue or pull request use latest library.
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