apache - Is there a way to access the complete list of headers from within .htacces? -
i able access arbitrary specific headers within .htaccess, e.g. following snippet sets server environment variable info_cookie
directly fetched http headers using mod_rewrite.
rewriteengine on rewriterule .* - [e=info_cookie:%{http:cookie}]
i tried if complete list of headers by
rewriteengine on rewriterule .* - [e=info_headers:%{http}]
however, empty string.
actually http headers nothing more plain text lines separated line feeds each other. delimiter between headers , body blank line (double line feed). technically should possible raw headers section without problems.
is there possibility access complete headers list / raw section within .htaccess file on apache server? since have system root access server, installation of additional apache modules reasonable solution.
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