javascript - Save the cordova previous activity -

i developing cordova application,i having concerns application.

actually want try import certificate gmail application , display on screen in table format

step 1 emulate application using command "cordova emulate android".

step 2: go gmail application,import attachment attachment open in application , displays certificate.when click home button application goes background state , when click recent applications state resumes.till here every thing fine

step 3: after doing above steps , when start app once again application restarting,i have followed many questions in stack overflow,i post down solutions followed

step 4:

 initialize: function () {     document.addeventlistener('deviceready',  this.ondeviceready.bind(this), false); },    ondeviceready: function () {  //my backend code display certificate    } 

solutions followed 1)changed launch mode singletop singleinstance , singletask in manifest.xml. problem: cant able detect path gmail attachment when try import

2)changed developer settings ""do not keep activities", no use.

i not getting how use onpause , onresume events,i tried use these events application showing connect "index.html"

any solutions,how need do


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