python - Is it possible to create a canvas inside of a class -
i working on project have have grid made of points... seems code of class ok because there no error message. can't create canvas inside of class? helping me. here code:
from tkinter import * root = tk() class grid(): def createcanvas(self, master, width, height): self.canvas = canvas(master, width=width, height=height) return(self.canvas) def createlabel(self, master, textu): self.l = label(self.c, text=textu) self.l.pack() def createpoints(self, master, gridsize): # gridsize format '8x8' gridsize = gridsize.split('x') in range(len(gridsize)): gridsize[i] = int(gridsize[i]) #[8,8] example --> x,y coordinates spx = 0 spy = int(canvas['height']) in range(gridsize[1]): j in range(gridsize[0]): master.create_oval(spx, spy, spx+5, spy+5) spx = spx + (int(canvas['height'])/gridsize[0]) spx = 0 spy = spy - (int(canvas['height'])/gridsize[1]) canvas = grid() canvas = canvas.createcanvas(root, 600, 600) = grid() a.createpoints(canvas, '16x16') root.mainloop()
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