c - Why we cannot dynamically allocate a pointer to a function? -

i tried dynamically allocate pointer function that

void (*f)(void*); f = (*f)malloc(sizeof(f) * 2); 

and got error.

error: expected ';' before 'malloc'

after searched, discovered cannot dynamically allocate pointer function, can declare array. in first step, declare array of functions

void (f[2])(void*); 

and saw got error, cannot declare array of functions, must declare array of pointers functions.

void (*f[2])(void*); 

in search discovered too, pointer function doesn't point data, points code. if can explain me why cannot dynamically allocate pointer function , why cannot have array of function instead of array of pointers functions.

my code following:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>  void printnr(void *nr) {     printf("%i\n", nr); }  void printchar(void *ch) {     printf("%c\n", ch); }  int  main(void) {     void (*f)(void*);     f = (*f)malloc(sizeof(f) * 2);     f = printnr;     (f  + 1) = printchar;     (*f)(15);     (*(f  + 1))('t');     return (0); }  

there's sorts of ill defined (if not undefined) behaviour in 2 functions you've defined. you're living dangerously (at best) code. define functions take int , ok (changing function pointer type too).

however, guess that's tangential immediate problem — (*f) before malloc() spurious. if want cast there, you'd need (void (**)(void *)) specify pointer pointer function returning void , taking void * argument.

here's fixed code type of function changed suggested:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>  static void printnr(int nr) {     printf("%i\n", nr); }  static void printch(int ch) {     printf("%c\n", ch); }  int main(void) {     void (**f)(int);     f = (void(**)(int))malloc(sizeof(*f) * 2);     f[0] = printnr;     f[1] = printch;     (*f)(15);     (*(f  + 1))('t');     free(f);     return(0); } 

note assignments (to f[0] , f[1]) fixed too. if must use non-array notation, *(f + 0) , *(f + 1) self-consistent , *f , *(f+1) work.

it easier use typedef pointer function type.

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>  typedef void (*functionptr)(int);  static void printnr(int nr) {     printf("%i\n", nr); }  static void printch(int ch) {     printf("%c\n", ch); }  int main(void) {     functionptr *f = (functionptr *)malloc(sizeof(*f) * 2);     f[0] = printnr;     f[1] = printch;     (*f)(15);     (*(f  + 1))('t');     free(f);     return(0); } 

note can't use typedef while defining functions. it's curious quirk of c can't that, if define function type instead of function pointer type. example, given typedef void function(int);, can't define static function printnr { … } or similar , have mean same functions defined. trying static function *returnsptr(int n) { … } compiles (if body appropriate) returns function pointer (function * or functionptr).

the cast malloc() isn't needed if you're using c compiler. if you're using c++ compiler, needed. code (both programs) frees allocated memory. neither program checks allocation — slap wrist.


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