javascript - How to run chrome v8 js engine Garbage collector manually -

i want know there way manually run chrome garbage collector manually , running big background task use lot of memory , in middle out of memory error , when script finish execution chrome run garbage collector release memory , tried ? tried sleep script in middle interval hope chrome may run garbage collector , script continue execution ahead not worked

my sleep function

this.sleep = function(ms) {   return new promise(resolve => settimeout(resolve, ms)); }; 

my background script works like

this.backworks = async function(){    this.job1();    await tools.sleep(10000);  // sleep 10 sec    this.job2();     await tools.sleep(10000);  // sleep 10 sec     this.job3(); }; 

so wonder anyway can trigger garbage collector forcefully

note : there no memory leaks checked , when press garbage collector waste can icon in chrome dev tools memory tab , memory released


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