php - How to stop preg_replace() returning numerical references? -

i'm using preg_replace() perform regular expression search , replace.

$string = "this isn't real string example."; $result = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string); echo $result; // isn’t real string example. 

as can see, $string contains single quote. regardless of whether match found, when output return value of preg_replace(), single quote becomes ’

how can stop preg_replace() returning numerical references such ’? need string keep single quote character.


here's pattern:

$pattern = '/#(\w+)/'; 

update 2

here's replacement string:

$replacement = '<a href="$1/">#$1</a>'; 

you can try using html_entity_decode() achieve that

here snippet

$string = "this isn't real string example."; $result = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string); echo html_entity_decode($result); // isn't real string example. 


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