spring cloud - Jhipster using OpenIDConnect (OIDC) instead of internal UAA -

can point me in direction configuring jhipster gateway use external openid connect (oidc) provider instead of bundling uaa stuff? know of jhipster uaa server, seems standalone auth server.

my use case (many) different jhipster microservice projects have authentication , jwt generation stuff handled external oidc provider - not jhipster gateway itself.

btw, i'm aware of these projects:

github.com/jhipster/jhipster-openid-connect github.com/sdoxsee/jhipster-openid-connect-microservices 

and i've read through lengthy discussion seems conclude , openid connect alternative in making: https://github.com/jhipster/jhipster-experimental-microservices/issues/3

i have ideas:

  1. set microservices stack use uaa server. then, in way, instead of using jhipster uaa server, point @ external oidc provider.

  2. look @ mraible has done regards to stormpath (and come okta) subgenerator.

  3. experiment "social logins"(jhipster.github.io/tips/012_tip_add_new_spring_social_connector.html)

would discuss?


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