linux - Confusion about mac find command man page -

while in find manual page, synopsis part says:

synopsis   find [-h | -l | -p] [-exdsx]       [-f path] path ...       [expression] 

and want find files name contains "optimizing" in current directory, go command:

find -e -f . -iregex ".*optimizing.*" 

i think match synopsis requirements, -e extended regex, -f . [-f path] part output says:

find: -f .: unknown primary or operator 

but if remove -f options, , run this: find -e . -iregex ".*optimizing.*". run expected.

and dose synopsis part followed regex grammar? is, dose [-exdsx] means can use character in -exdsx in part?

these confused me, , make reading man page horrible thing me.

any appreciated!

if check synopsis carefully

synopsis      find [-h | -l | -p] [-exdsx] [-f path] path ... [expression] 

indicates -f path should followed path, or can omit -f.

the syntax loosely based on


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