Could MySQL upgrade cause an INSERT statement to break? -

i upgraded mac , hence upgraded version of mysql. insert example trusted php book produces error. didn’t before. why?

i went mysql version 5.6.36 5.7.19. change in mysql versions cause insert break?

this example book “php , mysql web development”

this database:

describe customers; +------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | field      | type             | null | key | default |          | +------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | customerid | int(10) unsigned | no   | pri | null    | auto_increment | | name       | char(50)         | no   |     | null    |                | | address    | char(100)        | no   |     | null    |                | | city       | char(30)         | no   |     | null    |                | +------------+------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ 

this insert issued bash terminal:

insert customers (name, city) values ('melissa jones', 'nar nar goon north'); 

this error:

error 1364 (hy000): field 'address' doesn't have default value

i error when running query via php

warning: mysqli_query(): empty query in /users/laptop/sites/...

what missing or doing wrong? thank you

not null - each row must contain value column, null values not allowed

as @barmar pointed @ comment, address field have not null attributes , should contain value when inserting row.

insert customers (name, address, city) values ('melissa jones', 'the_address', 'nar nar goon north'); 

there possibility make not when writing script, should :

create table customers ( customerid int(10) unsigned auto_increment primary key, name char(50) not null, address char(100) null, city char(30) not null )  

note : making name, city , address char type field not good. read why here :


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